How do you source your yarns?
Our primary distributor is Knitting Fever Inc. (KFI), based in Long Island, New York, USA.
Our signature collection is Noro Yarns. As the brainchild of Eisaku Noro, these Japanese Yarns are a work of art. Mrs. Knits is an expert on everything Noro since she created a wardrobe she worked on with a design team. You can read more about Noro.
We also carry other up-scale collections, such as Louisa Harding, Queensland, and Jody Long. Look for the brands on the left of the shop page.
Are you a new online yarn shop?
Not at all. We have previously been operating on eBay for many years, back to 2005, when selling yarn on eBay, much less online, was a novel concept that has been a challenge (good and bad) for local yarn shops to embrace. We excel at providing an excellent customer service experience well above anyone else selling yarn there! And you don’t have to take our word for it: Read Reviews.
Can you answer my questions about yarn fabric or colors?
Yes, and doing so would make Mrs Knits' day! Feel free to Contact Us with your questions about yarn fabric or colors, and Mrs Knits will be happy to share her expertise.
Mr. Knits handles ordering and shipping and Mrs. Knits is the Creative. Did you know she can help design custom kits? That’s right. You choose a pattern or a yarn you like and then she helps coordinate your project.
Can you teach me how to knit?
As a studio we are not an LYS (local yarn shop) where you can expect lessons. Our function is to create pattern kits that will support your passion. We are happy to help you select the proper materials - a book or pattern. Vogue Knitting is a tome of all things knitting and the perfect how to guide for new and veterans alike. Vogue also publishes Noro Magazine. The average issue has 20+ patterns and lots of tutorials on a variety of projects. We also love that Noro doesn’t need fancy stitches. You can do a garter (knit every row) stitch and the yarn does all the work.
Do you wind off yarn?
Winding off yarn is a service not included with purchase. We sell yarn winders that’ll enable you to do so.
Will you send me exactly the same yarn I see in the picture?
That is surprisingly impossible to promise. Start with the fact that even recent computer monitors vary. We work hard to use accurate photos, but there can still be variations in lighting between any camera and your home. Furthermore, many yarns, especially our flagship Noro yarns, have intentional variegation as a design feature that WILL make the outside of the skein look different for each skein. If you want more exact color control, we offer other yarns. Eisaku Noro designed yarn based on the colors of nature. No two trees look exactly alike, even in the same species. To buy Noro is to embrace random color changes. Please study the swatch photos before making a purchase – all the colors in the swatch photo will be in each skein. We do accept returns, but won’t tolerate abuse of the privilege. We will of course arrange a return or exchange if we send you the wrong color number/name by mistake.
Can you send a specific dye lot to me?
We do not guarantee you receiving a certain dye lot, only the specified brand, style, & color. That's mainly because we have no control over the dye lot the manufacturer & distributor send to us. You may Contact Us to find out what dye lot we have available. But your best bet is to buy more than enough for a project to ensure consistency (maybe extra goes to your stash).
Can you knit up a sweater or other garment for me?
Mrs. Knits enjoys knitting sweaters, scarves, and more. Just keep in mind that hand-knitted sweaters typically cost upwards of $500. But feel free to Contact Us and see if Mrs. Knits can serve you.
Do you cater to crocheters or just knitters?
One love of fiber! We have more knitting than crochet offerings and content because Mrs. Knits is a professional knitter but has no crochet experience. So, while we have to be genuine in that regard, you will see most of our yarn descriptions have approximate stitches per inch for knitting and crocheting.
You’ll also see recommended hook sizes in addition to needle sizes for most of our yarns. We even offer a kit or two with a crochet pattern. So, hopefully, that’s enough for crocheters to be “hooked” on us.
Where are you based? Do you have a store I can visit?
We are based in Bremerton WA, which is just west of Seattle. Mrs. Knits Yarn Studio is open to the public by appointment only, with advance notice. The reason is that Mrs. Knits will welcome you personally, and provide expert one-to-one collaboration on your next project. The result is two knitters brainstorming and coming up with that perfect next project for you! So please Contact Us to make an appointment next time you are in the area.
How long does it take to receive an order?
About a week in the continental USA. Please see our Shipping Policy page for details, including shipping to locations in and out of the USA.
Are you replacing local yarn shops (LYS)?
We always want to complement LYS rather than replace them. Mrs. Knits has fond memories of the LYS community, and is heartbroken to see so many fall due to the recent pandemic and other economic conditions. We mostly cater to people who have some knitting experience, and folks who struggle to get to a LYS due to distance, disability, or other reasons. We foster our own community through our blog, online trunk shows, videos, articles, & other online interaction. So please check back here now and then for new blog entries and other content.