Out of the Box with Mr. Knits: Hey, We Really Tried

Our trial run with open hours is now over, and we will return to being open by appointment, and for events. Our building manager and Mrs. Knits agreed that it wasn’t working for several reasons. We won’t speak for our building manager, but we will speak for ourselves.

Coverage of the store was quite difficult. Bonnie has PTSD and anxiety disabilities. For example, not being a morning person for Bonnie is not a punch-line, but a debilitating condition. I was able to cover the store several times, but I wasn’t much help for knitters. I made a point of learning all about the magnificent yarn we offer, but I still lack the perspective of getting it on my needles.

I’ve already done the math. Hiring people to do this will plunge us into debt quickly. Commercial space better suited to retail is much more expensive. I can see why countless yarn shops are closing down due to bankruptcy. Frankly it’s a small miracle how many do survive.

We are still delighted to be a community hub for knitting, crocheting, and other fiber arts. We still have Knits of the Round Table, lots of yummy yarn, needles, hooks, and other accessories. Oh yes, there will be Happy Knitting!


Goodbye Wonderland Yarns.


Noro Magazine #22 Spring-Summer 2023