Introducing Mrs. Knits Kits
We’re finally doing the thing we’ve been planning for some time: marrying patterns to just the right colors or color combinations. Mrs. Knits kits will be available both here in this online shop (for most Noro kits), and on eBay (other yarn brands), alongside kits prepared by our main supplier, Knitting Fever Int’l (KFI). To differentiate our kit versions from KFI kit versions, we will be using Greek letters. for our kit versions (alpha α, beta β, gamma Γ, delta Δ, epsilon ε).
Each kit will be just the way knitters like them: with a nice white paper bag if you want to use it as a project bag, and a pattern in a sheet protector - we know patterns can easily become tattered from handling them.
Even more fun, Mr. Knits will be helping! Simpler kits with one colorway will be mostly his doing, and checked by Mrs. Knits. He’s not strong on color theory nor fiber details, but he knows how to count skeins for a pattern. 😊 Mrs. Knits will be more involved in multi-colorway kits, ensuring nice color combinations.
And don’t forget that we offer custom designed kits, where you collaborate with our fiber and color expert Mrs. Knits at our Bremerton WA studio by appointment. Feel free to contact us to set up a session with Mrs. Knits.